PANATOP FULVIC MAX is a highly effective foliar and soil stimulant.
• Innovative and patented formulation with a high content of:
› Humic acids
› Selected amino acids
› Algae extracts
› Concentrated trace elements.
• In foliar application, stimulates:
› The growth
› The transport of nutrients from the root to the leaves › Increases defences.
› The tolerance to adverse climatic and soil conditions
› The health status of the plant
For best results, use the combinations of Panatechnology.
What quantities should be used per square meter?
For which crops does the product apply?
Whats the price?
• Soil application and treatment of plant residues:
› Panatop Fulvic Max significantly increases the level of mineralized nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a form available for the plant.
› It aids the reproduction of soil microorganisms, unblocks trace and macro elements in the soil and blocks the heavy metals.
› By stimulating the reproduction of soil microorganisms, it increases the protein index and soil grade.
› It decomposes plant residues, but also returns all the nutrients available in them and, thus, restores soil fertility.
› This application is recommended for reduced fertilization rates.
› Humic acid extract has the ability to absorb moisture and retain it for up to 20 days.
Panatop Fulvic Max 0,5 -1,5 L/HA +
• Panamin Suspension 1 – 2 L/HA
• Panatop Alga Max 0,5-1 L/HA;
• Panatop Immuno Save 2-3 L/HA;
• Panatop Bloom 1-1,5 L/HA;
• Panatop Amino Zn 1-1,5 L/HA